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Queen's Backing Action on the Climate Crisis

What is your group’s objective?

The objectives of QBACC are: to promote environmental awareness, action, and activism at Queen’s University and in the Kingston community, connect students to nationwide climate movements, share resources and petitions for local, provincial, national, and international matters, and support local environmental movements and climate initiatives.

Who are your constituents or core demographics?

Our constituents are Queen's university students. We also work with community groups such as 350 Kingston, No Clearcuts in Kingston, Seniors for Climate Action Now!, and Little Forests Kingston.

What is the biggest challenge for your group right now?

We are currently working on a divestment campaign and our biggest challenge is getting Queen's administration and garnering further support from students, faculty, and staff. 

What are your biggest wins to date?

What do you need most to be more effective at what you do?

QBACC requires time management, organization, communication, and strong relationships with administration, community groups, and student groups. 

How do you want to support or collaborate with other groups?

We like to attend meetings from other groups, collaborate on events, and share information for other groups. 

Is your group seeking to coordinate with other activist groups?

Yes! Always!

What is the point? Why do you fight?

Large institutions like Queen's hold a lot of social weight, and when Queen's makes decisive action, it sets an example. 

How do you handle fractures in your own group? What are your thoughts on fractures in activist communities?

Fractures can happen when members of activist groups have strong opinions. We regularly have our team fill out feedback forms, check in with the well being of our team, and have regular meetings. Having good communication is always important for preventing and repairing fractures. 

How do you decide how people join your group or enter decision making positions in your group? Do you have a screening process?

We have exec hiring in April and first-year intern hiring in September. Our process includes a written application, an interview, and the creation of a proposal for a potential project.


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