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Feed The People


The Feed The People program has been providing food to the unhoused and the HUB for years, taking a decentralized volunteer-based approach. They also work to educate and inform Kingstonians about addiction, tenants rights, and solidarity. 

It's about education. It's about keeping people housed through education, about support for different tenant issues”

Current challenges:

The HUB doesn’t currently have a kitchen, or even a stove, so the food can’t be made in house, instead it is sourced through the many volunteers and donors willing to provide. However this raises the enduring issue that making food is expensive and time consuming, while some local groups/businesses are willing to donate, resources are often few and far between. As well, many times the homeless folks' food (or lack thereof) goes wholly unnoticed by managers, community members and city officials, who turn a blind eye to the lack of support for the Kingston unhoused population.  

“The biggest challenge is funding to feed the people that desperately need to be fed, [...] and lack of supports from the city”

Biggest Wins:

The Feed The People program often hosts BBQs and events to promote unity among the Kingston community while providing the essentials to those in need. Their educational branch has been quite victorious over the last few years raising awareness around the housing crisis. 


The food program was not in fact a main intent of KUT for a long time, but years ago the program started up and it stuck. Originally it was just a handful of volunteers bringing food into the HUB, but since Covid homeless rates have been on the rise and the operation has grown, they are now providing food to over 100.

“It's getting bad out there” 


The Feed the People program is possibly interested in collaborating with other groups with like-minded goals. 

Why fight?

Homeless rates are rising and people are dying, without public engagement it will only get worse. This is the time for people to stand up.

“You have to believe you can create change, because you can.”

Help Kirk out!

Feed The People is asking that folks spread/share Kirk’s (an unhoused staff member at the HUB who’s tent the city has stolen) story in the hopes that it will reach the city’s ears. 


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