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About Us

Community-Supported Youth Organizing is an experimental new model for grassroots organizing, loosely inspired by Community Supported Agriculture. 


Each month, a circle of community members will make small donations which we’ll pool together. That money will be used to pay a small team of youth organizers who will work to make connections, develop their skills, and build the overall activist capacity of our community.


Community-Supported Youth Organizing is a simple and quick way to:

  • support youth activists and intergenerational organizing;

  • help train new and young people in important community skills;

  • aid the recovery of activist communities in our area post-pandemic; and

  • connect different area groups to build stronger movements for justice.

Meet The Team
(Cohort #2)

Bios of our new cohort! 

Cohort #1 (2024)


Our first CSYO cohort! From left to right: Hazel, Abby, and Abbie

I’m Hazel Taylor-Quick (They/She +E/Em), and I’m one of the new youth organizers. I’m so excited to be working with you all, and wanted to express my sincerest gratitude for the support this community has shown towards this initiative. 


For those who don’t know me, I am 16 and often find myself zine-making, canoe-tripping and immersing myself in the world of role-playing games, in my life outside of school and activism. I enjoy savoring the tastes of beauty in day-to-day life, from the spring peepers, to the taste of my friend’s french fries to the last page of a good book. 


I am thrilled to be a part of this new collective, and look forward to fostering connection and solidarity in Kingston together. Thank you for your support in this exciting endeavor. 




My name is Abby McIntyre-Tsiang (she/her) and I want to thank you so much for supporting this project. I’ve worked on campaigns mostly surrounding the Belle Park encampment, specifically with MAKK and the Katarokwi Union of Tenants, and I’ve also started a club in my old high school to encourage youth to discuss and get involved in activism. 


I’m really excited to be a part of this collaboration project between youth and experienced organizers, where I’m hoping to learn and contribute more centrally to decisions around activism. In terms of what I’m excited to start accomplishing with this project, I hope to use my experience organizing and my connections with a few of the activist groups who work on anti-homelessness campaigns to bridge Kingston activist groups together. I also hope to branch out to new issues and activist groups around Kingston with the support of Abbie Miolée and Hazel Taylor-Quick who I know both have an amazing presence in different activist groups around Kingston.  We are stronger united! 


I hope to work towards a world where wealth is not hoarded by the few, and all have enough not only to survive, but to thrive. This world starts with grassroots organizing and generational collaboration between activists. Thank you for being a part of this radical movement towards change in Kingston! 



Hello! My name is Abbie Miolée (she/her). I’m a Kingston-based youth activist, artist, poet, and musician from Atlanta, GA who is passionate about using the arts to foster awareness, inspiration, and solidarity. I’m also very interested in fungi and want to study mycoremediation to restore balance in ecosystems. 


Along with the natural world, I want to help restore balance and peace in the social world. When we understand that we are part of a greater whole, we nurture that whole and see the well-being of others as our own. Fighting for social and climate justice has shown me that we are all seeking to love and be loved, to see and be seen. I see the Earth and her interconnectedness as the embodiment of love itself, and I am devoted to consciously being a part of that relationality and inspiring others to do the same. 


I’m very grateful to be collaborating with like-minded activists, and I’m confident in our potential to make connections and impacts in the community with your generous support! 

Our Sponsors 

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 “I support the Community-Supported Youth Organizing because the most important work we need to do right now is build community and strengthen our capacities to care for each other and Earth. This is work that is seldom paid, so I am pleased to support young people to learn organizing skills.” - Elaine Power

Meet The Team


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